Thursday, December 25, 2008

So where and what is D-Drive Sports

D-Drive Sports started 8 years ago as a company to make parts for the Tamiya F103 chassis.Simple parts such as wheels were not available then like they are today. We started with F1 wheels,chassis plates,Indy wheels,F1 Bodies. These parts were sold and F1 racing was held at local circuits here in Japan sponsored by us. After a few years we opened our own circuit as the others had come and gone. We run a F1 series that starts and stops along with the same time line as real F1. In our off season we run Direct Drive touring cars and "M" Chassis races.

F1 events are ran as an all day event. Its a one day one class event. Along with the 12 minute mains and and extended practice time it makes for a full and enjoyable day.
Chances are if you are reading this you are not in Japan. If you find yourself visiting Japan let us know and we can provide information about how to get here. But untill then you can find us here on Google Earth.

Welcome to the D-Drive Sports English Blog

This is our English blog where news about F1 RC cars,parts and ideas will be displayed for your enjoyment. So check back every so often to see whats going on here in Japan with F1 RC and our circuit.